It is getting dangerously close to that time of the year when I want to eat all my meals outside. Not to brag, but spring has practically sprung here in the south. We are still having a few cold days here and there but the flowers are starting to bloom. Anyway, back to the recipe. Springtime just makes me think of eating fresh veggies and there is nothing better to dip them in than cool, creamy ranch. However, I am an aspiring vegan, so I have worked up a vegan ranch dip that will fool any meat/dairy lover. It fooled my step dad and that is a feat.


2 tbsp vegenaise
3 tbsp vegan sour cream
1-2 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp fresh parsley chopped
pinch of paprika & cayenne
salt & pepper to taste


1. mix all ingredients in a bowl and let sit for about 10 minutes in the fridge to let flavors mix.


Please, please do not use dried parsley in this or I will cry. The fresh parsley & garlic are the secrets to this recipe.

So if you didn't notice, there is only one step (after you do your chopping) which means that whether you're vegan or not, you need to make your own ranch. It's just one of those things that will really impress anyone. I would be happy to include a good non-vegan recipe but I have never made one and I would never post something here that I have not tried.

This ranch and some sliced raw veggies are my signature items to bring to any party. This is mostly because I want to have something I know I will eat, but the bowl of veggies & ranch are always gone by the end of the night.

**Image via Elana's Pantry which also has a vegan ranch recipe that I am sure is delightful**

*If you have a recipe that you think I should feature in this section, or you want to let me know how yours turned out, please contact me at avie.designs@gmail.com with the subject: blog.recipe

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