When you first start up, you are constantly learning and growing. You can hardly go a day without it. Some lessons are easy and some can be very difficult, but eventually, you will get to a place where things calm down a little bit and you start to feel like to have a pretty good handle on things.
This is precisely the time to learn something new and grow the company in some way. This will allow you to stay fresh in your customers' eyes. You must be able to provide them with something new before they even know they want it. Think of Apple, whether you like them or not, you have to agree that they are great at coming up with products that people didn't know they even wanted but then realize that they cannot live without.
It is your responsibility to stay ahead of the curve and to continue to learn. Even if you end up learning from a terrible mistake, you have still learned a valuable lesson. And when you are able to realize that, it makes going through the fallout of the mistake worth it.
This ties into next week's tip "Get out of your comfort zone"
*If you have a tip or a business question that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at avie.designs@gmail.com with the subject: blog.smart biz
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