If you knew me, I mean, hung out with me, then you would know that I am crazy for smoothies. I have them for breakfast most mornings when it is warm outside and even when it isn't. They are a great on the go breakfast or after school snack. If you have been told that you need more fiber in your diet, this is the easiest way to do it. I find it easier to drink a smoothie than eat a few pieces of fruit. Of course, there are so many ways to make them, here is mine:


1.5 cup frozen fruit (your choice)
1 banana (or fresh fruit of your choosing)
1.5 cup of milk or soy milk
1.5 cup of pineapple juice (or juice of your choosing)
1 handful of kale


1. Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.


Splitting the liquid between a tangy juice and milk makes for a great flavor and the banana gives the smoothie richness. If you substitute the banana for a more water filled fruit, use less juice & milk.

I know, the kale sounds scary but I promise you, just throw in a handful once and you won't stop. You can't taste the kale but you get all the benefits of one of the most nutritious foods.
Please try it.

**Image via My Recipes**

*If you have a recipe that you think I should feature in this section, or you want to let me know how yours turned out, please contact me at with the subject: blog.recipe


  1. Thanks for sharing your recipe! We love smoothies too, but mainly only drink them after a run. I'm thinking that perhaps I should follow your lead during the summer months....having one in the morning, they are just so tasty aren't they?! A great way to start the day!

  2. Really you can include so many different healthy smoothies . Thank you for posting these recipes!
