When you are just starting out, and you are the only person working on creating your company, it can be very easy to blur the line between yourself and your company. I would have to say that this is a tip that I struggle with all the time.

My biggest issue is that a lot of my self esteem can be tried up in how well my company is doing. If things are slow, I get depressed and when things are busy and great, I am happy. I try to remind myself that thinking this way is the same as letting another person have control over your self esteem. And I would never let that happen.

So, you must repeat to yourself, "I am not my company" and make sure that you start believing it. This will really allow you to get over the company's slow times and failures more easily. A lot of people have trouble with this because you and your company may have the same name, or close (like me). If you're at the beginning of creating a company, I would suggest that you find a name that is close to you, but not your name. This can make the separation a little easier.

The quicker you are able to separate yourself from your company, the more successful you can become. This way, if your company happens to fail, you won't. You as a person can then go forward and on to the next stage in your life.

**Image via The Little Chickadee**

*If you have a tip or a business question that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: biz

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