It's getting to be that time of the year when the gifts have to be wrapped. I know a lot of you don't like wrapping. I happen to LOVE it. My mom always matches all the gifts under the tree with all the decorations in the house. She picks a few colors and sticks to them. So of course, I do the same. I wanted to help those of you that love to wrap as well as those of you that don't so I created some free downloadable gift tags.

All you have to do is go here for the red/green set and here for the blue/silver set. Once there, you can download and print the tag sets. I recommend printing them out on cardstock and cutting along the black lines with an xacto knife and ruler. Then just use a regular hole punch to put the hole wherever you like and write your tos and froms on the back.

Also stay tuned because I have had requests for new year's tags as well and they are in the works!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Meili, You are so welcome! Have a lovely holiday with your stylishly wrapped gifts! avie
