Okay, I know that resolutions are really all but forgotten at this point but I decided to check in one last time before the end of the year. View my last check in and see how far I've come.  Red means not at all, orange means some and green means done:
1. FINISH MY DINING ROOM: Yes, finally! Hand painting a wall is not something that I would recommend unless you are crazy like me. I finally finished it and actually posted the pictures here.
2. TRAVEL SOMEPLACE NEW: Okay, this is a bit of a stretch because the place I "traveled" to was only about 45 minutes up the road but I'm going to have to let it count or this one may not happen this year. We went to Chateau Elan for a romantic getaway and you can see the pics here.
3. BE A STRATEGIC BUSINESS OWNER: I don't think I will be able to put this in the green column until the end of the year but I'm going to say yes when that time comes. I feel like I grow and learn more every year and this year (so far) has been no different. I am working on different ways to get my name out there, one of which is reaching out to wedding planners to let them know about my invitations. I am also already working on NSS for next year. So exciting!
4. WORKOUT: I will put this in the YES column. My goal was to get outside and walk and since my new office space comes complete with 2 dogs, I have been walking them 5 days a week. **NO CHANGE**
5. LEARN HOW TO USE TIME MACHINE: I'm not even sure this is something I care about anymore. I think I may have put this on the list because it seemed simple and attainable. But I'm probably not going to do it if I don't care anymore. 
6. SKETCH MORE: I have been sketching but no more than usual. **NO CHANGE**
7. READ MORE BOOKS: I got a Kindle for my birthday and have been reading, so yes! **NO CHANGE**
8. PLAN A FAMILY TRIP TO PUERTO RICO: Done and Done. The pictures are here, here and here.
9. FINISH MY QUILT: I am working diligently on this one and I think it's going to happen. Then I can share it with you. I feel good about this one although I have already designed the next quilt which doesn't really help me finish the one I'm currently working on. But it does give me a goal for 2013.
10. DEVELOP NEW PRODUCTS: I can't wait to be able to share the stuff I have going with you but it's not done yet so you'll have to wait like the rest of us.
11. EAT MY FRUITS & VEGGIES: I haven't been doing as well as I would like to. **NO CHANGE**
12. VOLUNTEER: Not yet unless you consider being a maid of honor volunteering. **NO CHANGE**

So in conclusion, I'm pretty embarrassed that I wanted to volunteer more and I have done nothing. Other than that, I feel pretty good about my list. But I guess the real test will be the last check in before the new list for 2013.

1 comment:

  1. My new year's resolution is to make a new year's resolution list. ;)

    Seriously though ... I love time machine. It's saved my bacon on numerous occasions.
