This post is about to get personal, so if you're looking for light talk about stationery, please leave now. 

I'll give you some time.

Now that there are only a few of you left, I feel that I can be open with you. 2013 has not been the best year. I know, you're thinking "we're barely 2 months in, how could it have gone so wrong so fast?" I have been thinking the same thing.

I am a very optimistic, positive person. I usually spring right up out of bed in the morning with a general excitement for the day. Yes, I'm that girl. The one that is trying to talk your ear off before we've had our coffee. I'm the girl, um woman, that begins each year anew, revived, excited and with many, many plans for said year. And this year was no different.

I had specific goals for my business. Monetary, creative and everything in between. I had specific goals for my life. Places to go, things to do. I like to strategize. I don't really like surprises unless they come in the form of a baked good or a party. I like to know where I am headed.

But, as you may have already learned in life, it dosen't always happen that way. In fact, it almost never goes as you plan it. And it you didn't already know this, I'm sorry to have to be the one to break it to you.

So let's just start at the beginning. My last grandparent passed away. My dad's mom. And while it was no surprise, she was 90,  it was all the same sad. I think the part about it that really got to me was the realization that my parents are now the oldest generation in my family. And death is hard no matter how it happens and who it happens to.

Next up. My business has been very slow. This is wedding season and I had grand plans for big business but it has just fallen flat. I am aware that this happens from time to time and that's okay. It's just tough when you feel like you're on a roll. And I was on a roll. It also makes me feel bad about myself which is silly but it does. I take it very personally and I generally like it that way. But when things are slow, I have a low level of panic and stress all the time and it isn't fun.

Okay, here's the doozy. My mom was very recently diagnosed with uterine cancer. It's so new that we don't know what stage it is yet and what treatment she will have to go through. There is lots of good news. This is a completely curable form of cancer. She may not even need chemo or radiation. I know that it could be so much worse. But ya'll, it's my mom. She's the strongest most vibrant woman I know. She is also one of the healthiest people that I know. She works out constantly and eats all kinds of veggies and such. Everyone we know makes fun of her for being so healthy. And I know that cancer does not discriminate but she feels cheated. Like she did everything she was supposed to and still got screwed.

So that's my trio of bad luck. Now, there have been good things happening too. I have friends having adorable babies, getting married, finding the loves of their lives. And all of that brings me great joy. But I can't deny that I'm in a funk. Hopefully there is no where to go but up from here. Knock on wood.

I posted the kitty picture because kittens make me smile. I hope it made you smile too. And here's to good times in 2013.


  1. Hi Avis, I've been following your blog for a while now and love your designs. I don't think I've commented before, but I just had to send you a virtual *HUG*

  2. Avis, I'm so sorry to hear 2013 has been rough for you so far. I can definitely relate to how difficult life can be sometimes. I hope things improve for you soon. Sending lots of positive thoughts your mom's way.

  3. fingers crossed the rest of the year goes well for you and your family

  4. Condolences, Avis. Hang in there.

  5. I like your work. I think you do a great job. Don't give up. And don't give up life. Things with your mother will be just ok.
    Be strong and always smile.


  6. Hi!

    Loved your blog, and like how honest you are.
    My condolences on the passing of
    your Grandmother.
    As for your mom, i hope she gets better. I understand how she feels "cheated". She'll get better and will be even more vibrant and resilient than she is now!

    Good luck for the rest of 2013!

  7. Hi, I found you through YHL - I'm also in decatur and love finding local online :)
    Just wanted to stop by and send you a virtual hug. My mom has been diagnosed twice in the past 11 years - both completely different kinds of cancer, and both *fairly* easy to treat (surgery & chemo for one, surgery & radiation for the other). Cancer is cancer, and it's scary no matter what the treatment is. Hang in there.

  8. hi avis,
    i found my way over here from YHL.
    i just wanted to say that i hope you can find comfort in the Great Comforter in this hard time.

  9. Hi Avis! Sorry for your loss of your grandmother - I bet you have a lot of great & funny stories about her :) For your mom, I wish her and you all the best - sounds like a good prognosis - and all of her healthy ways will be a benefit towards a full recovery! Keep looking for the humor - laughter is the BEST medicine :) and take care of yourself - your "funk" feeling is perfectly normal and it will pass. Many blessings are headed your way.

  10. Hi Avie,

    I came here by way of "Young House Love". Just wanted to drop you a line to say that I love your stationary. But also, that yes - at times life can be overwhelming and scary, and it can feel as though life just hit us with a two by four. But keep moving and loving and creating in the face of all that.

    Hang in there.

  11. Here from YHL. Sorry to hear of your gma's passing. Prayers are with your mom. Hang in there....hopefully 2013 will get better for you.

  12. Hello. Just found your blog. You are incredibily talented. Always remember that. I understand what you are going through. The last year was a long hard road. My mother also had uterine cancer. The only advice I can offer is be their for her as much as you can. Make sure you both laugh as much as you can. All the best to you and your family . Cheryl M, ON, Canada
