okay, it's not 2010 yet, but it is calendar time. I just posted my calendar with almost all new designs. I know there are a lot of early birds out there. You bought my calendar this time last year. So, I would like to give you a chance at a FREE CALENDAR! All you have to do is post a goal you have for 2010. This is not a resolution, but a real live goal for the new year. You have until Monday, September 7th at 8am EST to post and the winner will be announced shorty after. I'll go first. My first goal for 2010 is to get my e-commerce website up and running. Okay, your turn . . .


  1. Thanks for doing these giveaways! I love your stuff! I have a goal to complete my level 2 license in education by the end of June 2010.

  2. The calendar looks beautiful. My goal for 2010 is to start making some quilts for myself, as I've given away everything I've made in the past few years.

  3. 2010 I will be a fully fledged yoga teacher and will have a class of students :)

  4. My goal for 2010 is to get accepted into school to earn my BA in Nursing.

    Best of luck with with your e-commerce site! Love the calendar :)


  5. My goal for the year is to end up both a married lady and still sane by the end of the year :) Here's hoping!

  6. love the new calendar!

    my goal for the new year is to collect a few more new prints to fill the rest of the walls of our house. that, and train our new puppy not to chew everything in sight.


  7. Ooo, the calendar looks great! You're so talented and pretty. One of my goals for 2010 is to work with B Green Recycling on expanding recycling programs in Atlanta - as well as to get underway one of my long-standing goals of recycling at road races!

  8. Love the calendar :) Goal is to get myself & my kids in a happy place (ASAP)!

  9. My goal is to think more positive and not be such a worry wart....

  10. Your calendar is so beautiful! My 2010 goal is to learn to sew my own clothes.


  11. the calendar is GORGEOUS and i would absolutely LOVE to have one. my goal for 2010 is give our son a sibling:)

  12. my goal for the coming year is to let my boys be boys. sometimes i find myself yelling at them or stopping them from doing things that little boys should be allowed to do. (at least once and awhile) i need to let them experience those things.

  13. My goal in 2010 will be to start my own company in architecture, interior design and graphic design. Finally!
