I have been really enjoying the series on Cup of Jo this week that is a bunch of bloggers posting their secrets to a happy marriage. It's such a funny thing to give advice or tips on something that is so personal and different for everyone. So, I think that the title of the series should be "What makes my relationship work." I think that is at the heart of these posts and that is how I appreciate them. So, I will tell you what makes us work, according to me. You'll have to ask him what he thinks. And please enjoy the very old photo of us from about 7 years ago.

1. We are nice to each other, even when we are mad. It's the hardest thing to do, but being nice is fundamental to actually solving the problem instead of just fighting. This also insures that we won't hit below the belt. We also say please & thank you a lot, it sounds a little corny, but I think it's important.

2. We love cooking together and get to do it a lot. Then we get to enjoy something that we have both created. Also, we each have a hobby that has little to do with the other. He is a musician and I am only a part of that when I watch his shows. I am an artist & general maker of things which he supports by letting me take over the office. It's nice to have something that is all your own but that is supported by your partner.

Other than those 2 things, it's all the same ole stuff. We like each other, we make each other laugh, blah, blah, blah.
Now I feel a little embarrassed that I have shared all this with everyone.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly on the pleases and the thank yous! It seems like such a small thing, but it's still important to be considerate and let the other person know you care and notice what they do for you. Zack's still surprised sometimes when I tell him thank you after we go out to dinner. :-)
