I have a bunch of blogs in my google reader, about 60 to be close. They range in topic from food, to wedding, to business. They really help me keep up with what is going on in my design & small business world and they just fall into my reader every morning.

Seth Godin's blog is one of my absolute favorite to read each day. It's probably the only blog that doesn't have pictures that I read. Seth has amazing insight which he conveys in a very understandable way. Sometimes his posts just make sense, sometimes they make me think & sometimes I don't know what he's talking about, but I am always excited to read what he says.

Today's post reminded me of my time as the president of my sorority:

It doesn't have to be a wise decision or a perfect one. Just make one.

In fact, make several. Make more decisions could be your three word mantra.

No decision is a decision as well, the decision not to decide. Not deciding is usually the wrong decision. If you are the go-to person, the one who can decide, you'll make more of a difference. It doesn't matter so much that you're right, it matters that you decided.

Of course it's risky and painful. That's why it's a rare and valuable skill.

I remember girls coming up to me, girls that were on my executive committee, asking me to make decisions that did not matter. Asking me to make decisions that I really relied on them to make. Like should we have cake or pie at the luncheon. It really did not matter which & that was when I first realized that some people cannot make decisions. Now, I'm not saying that I look down on these people, I am just saying that I realized that I am different from those people in that I am able to do so. I probably got it from my mom who always says "just do it, even if it's wrong". Which is partly what lead me to start my own company. The idea that I don't have to do it right, I don't even have to succeed, I just have to make the decision & do it.

I think that more people would strike out on their own if they didn't have the pressure to succeed. But what I think a lot of people do not realize is that success doesn't have to be your primary goal. It certainly isn't mine. And it doesn't have to be a point of embarrassment if you don't succeed. Most "successful" people have failed at something at one time or another and what made them successful was the ability to pick themselves up and try again. They just made the decision to do it.


  1. Very inspirational. Thanks.

  2. That is really inspiring, thanks. Too often I hold myself back from doing things because I think I'm not creative or imaginative enough. I'll admit, I'm pretty indecisive. I need to make your mom's quote my mantra! I'm gonna go check out Seth's blog now!

  3. It's true. I can make decisions, I guess it's the fear of failure holding me back but I force myself to move forward.

  4. I have been reading all his books lately and have been meaning to check out his blog. Well, I just made the decision to subscribe to it. :)

  5. most thoughtful blog post i've read in a while. may have to add this guy to my blog reads too! thanks for sharing and contributing. as a recent grad with no real work experience, this is a most frightening time. some days i dont care what job i end up with and other days i'm rather picky. i hope to get to the point where i can just go ahead and apply and not worry if i'll fail at my first job. statistically speaking, i probably will anyway. :)
