Here are some screen shots of the newly redesigned www.aviedesigns.com. So take a few minutes to peruse it. You still have to make your purchases through my etsy shop, but with the new website, you can see all of my offerings even if they are not currently in my etsy shop. That means, you can contact me and let me know you want them and I'll make sure they get back in the shop.

And remember, you have less than 24 hours to order free stationery!


  1. The new website is lovely!!! Almost as lovely as the lovelies you sell.

  2. i hate to be a sore, but you misspelled stationery on your website. you have it spelled correctly on this post though! just thought i'd point it out since a website should probably free of errors versus a blog. looks good though. fairly easy to navigate. gorgeous photography.

  3. upon further inspection, you spelled stationery correctly in everything except the tab/contents area. though i may have missed other parts where it was misspelled. i'm too tired to check.

    ps. will there be any new stationery designs in the future?

  4. Love the new site design!

  5. Not sure about the peachy background. The background may work better with the orange in your logo if it was a little less pinky/peach.
