Learn to view an unhappy customer as an opportunity to go above and beyond what is expected. As a small business owner, you live and die by your customers' happiness with you and your product.

I think, as a small business owner, we watch every item and dollar that leaves the door. This is a really good thing, but I think it keeps us from doing what we need to make situations right. It can seem devastating to have to re-make & re-ship a product because the customer isn't happy and you haven't really made a mistake (or maybe you have). Regardless, you can use this as your time to shine.

If a customer is unhappy with the turn of events, then you are close to losing them forever. A customer you already have is so much cheaper than going out and getting a whole new one so you need to do everything in your power to keep them happy. I have written about this before and Seth Godin wrote a great post about this last week. As in all relationships, the easy times are not what define the relationship. It's the hard times that make or break you and it's the same in business.

So what do you do? You've messed up and a customer is mad. Now you go above and beyond anything that customer would expect you to do to make them happy. Put yourself in your customer's shoes (you should do this regularly, but that's another tip for another day) and ask "what would I want from a company?" Then do that and if you can, the next level above that.

By using this technique, you will turn a messy situation into a lifelong customer that will probably tell all of their friends of what you did to make it right. And word of mouth is the best type of marketing you can't buy.

Is there a time you have employed this technique or wished you had?

*If you have a tip or a business question that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: biz

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