I was searching for a way to add a little more nutrition to delicious mashed potatoes one day when I thought of cauliflower. You can add a little protein, fiber and a whole lot of vitamin C to your mashed potatoes this way.


5 large red potatoes
half of a cauliflower
4 tbsp milk
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp cream cheese
salt & pepper


1. Roughly chop the potatoes & cauliflower. Place potatoes & cauliflower in a saucepan. Add water until the potatoes & cauliflower are covered. Bring to to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered for 15-20 minutes or until fork tender.

2. Drain the potatoes & cauliflower and place back into the hot pot but with the eye off. Add cream cheese, butter, milk and salt & pepper to taste.

3. Mash it all together until you achieve the consistency you desire. Serve immediately.


Many recipes I looked at called for Yukon Gold potatoes and said nothing else would do, but I love red potatoes, so use whichever you like. I never peel my potatoes, but please, feel free to do so. Also, the measurements for butter, milk and cream cheese are just suggestions. Add as much or as little as you like.

I love to serve this as a side dish to my Spanakopita, but if you are serving it up with a dish that isn't so spinach heavy, you can also fold in a couple of handfuls of spinach at the end to add some greens to your meal without really tasting it.

Vegan swap out: Substitute butter for earth balance, milk for soy milk and cream cheese for vegan cream cheese.

*If you have a recipe that you think I should feature in this section, or you want to let me know how yours turned out, please contact me at with the subject: blog.recipe

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