So you may (or maybe not) have noticed a few changes around here. I have decided this year to take a more active and organized approach to my blog. This is one of my many goals for 2010. This segment will be all about what is going on at Avie Designs, new products, new ideas, and whatever I'm currently mulling over. My other segments are pretty self-explanatory. I would love for this to be a more collaborative blog with the readers pitching in with their ideas & projects. That is why you will see my shameless begging for help at the bottom of the posts.

What you see above is a little insert that I designed yesterday to go inside my orders to let all my customers know of all the places they can find me online.

The most important thing that is going on behind the scenes this week is that I am seriously considering the National Stationery Show in May. I attended 2 years ago and decided to focus my attentions else ware in 2009. Now, I think I may be ready to go again. As you can read here, I had very good reasons for not attending last year. I am now thinking that I am ready to go through the entire ordeal again.

First off, it is really fun. That was never a question. I am also considering leaving a few days early to make into a vacation/work trip. So I would like to attend for that reason alone.

I also think that I am ready for the reality of the show. I am ready for all the hard work and preparation that goes into it beforehand and more importantly, after. Now that I understand how stores can be and how they need to be dealt with, I think I am ready to take on that challenge.

The really exciting part of all this is that I get to design a new line of products and patterns. The scary part is that I have less than 5 months to do it including finding a new printer since I was never really happy with mine. It also means balancing my etsy products with my wholesale products and deciding where the future of the company lies. They cannot be sold on etsy since I will not be making them.

So now I'm off to call the NSS to find out of they have any booths available and see if I can get a deal on plane tickets.

1 comment:

  1. kudos to you for taking a more proactive and collaborative stance with your blog and biz.

    you continually inspire me. you are so approachable and never shy away from sharing your wisdom. if i ever become serious about making stuff to sell (at the moment it's still a hobby), i know that all your tips and experiences will come in hand. sort of like a mentor to the process/journey.

    whatever you decide to do (become a wholesale type of company or remain an etsy company), you have my support.
