In life, we all make promises and we all know that sometimes we make promises we just can't keep. I think that it is crucial in business to always keep your promises OR always make promises you can keep. For example, if a customer asks me to print on two sides of a business card, I could tell them yes, but it simply isn't true. I could struggle for a few hours trying to make it "kind of" work but ay the end of the day, the customer will be unhappy with the result and I will probably have to refund their money. So after all the work, I am out of time, money & maybe a return customer. It just isn't worth it.

I truly believe that you should do everything in your power to give the customer what they want. If a customer asks me if I can do something that I have never done before, I let them know that I am trying to work out the details & costs before I promise something I may or may not be able to deliver on. Then, when I have found out the realities of making that happen, I contact the customer and let them know. This way, if the costs or time are prohibitive for the customer, they have the power to walk away and if it ends up being impossible for me to accomplish, they know that as well.

You may think that just saying yes to a customer will make them happy, but the follow through is what ultimately makes a customer happy. Sometimes you just have to say no so as not to sully your name & your products or services.

When you promise a customer something, you must follow through with it. Even if it's as simple as emailing them back when you said you would. Customers are just like friends & family. We all have that member of the family that is perpetually late. And you know that you cannot count on them to be there when you expect them. If your customers see you that way, they won't remain your customer for very long. Follow through on each and every promise you make to a customer no matter how big or small.

*If you have a tip or a business question that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: biz

1 comment:

  1. Great post, I definitely agree that being honest with a customer, setting the right expectations and following through are super important! Great customer service will hopefully lead to repeat customers!
