I think the title says it all. Even though a grilled cheese sandwich is nearly impossible to screw up, I would like to share my recipe for the best ever. I'm pretty sure this recipe came about when I was watching Oprah one day and they did a search for the best grilled cheese and it was something in the neighborhood of this:


whole wheat sourdough bread, sliced
herbed havarti cheese, sliced
tomatoes, sliced
basil leaves, whole
butter, softened
freshly grated black pepper
2 tsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp. honey

1. Spread the back side of each piece of bread with butter.

2. Mix honey with balsamic vinegar with a whisk. You should be able to drizzle it once combined. Taste the sauce and adjust according to your liking.

3. Place the bread, butter side down in a non-stick skillet. Place the cheese, then tomatoes, then a basil leaf on each piece. Sprinkle each slice with pepper and drizzle with honey sauce.

4. Once the cheese starts to melt, add the top slice of bread and flip over. Cook until both sides of bread are brown.


The herbed havarti is a very strongly flavored cheese. If you prefer a milder grilled cheese sandwich, use the cheese of your choice.

If you can't find whole wheat sourdough, then just use regular sourdough.

**Image via yumsugar**

*If you have a recipe that you think I should feature in this section, or you want to let me know how yours turned out, please contact me at with the subject: blog.recipe


  1. This looks divine! Thanks for sharing.

  2. oh my gosh! this looks and sounds AMAZING. thank you so much for posting it!

    xo tiffany

  3. my grilled cheeses are less ambitious (ingredients-wise), mostly because i just use what's around the house and mostly because it's usually just bread and cheese with a little oil. haha.

    i'm loving this recipe so hopefully i can try it out sometime soon. gotta go to the market i guess.

    btw, am loving your regular posts. there's something so stabilizing about having regular posts on a blog you love to check up on. and though i dont express it, i love all the tips and ideas and projects. i do!

  4. Yum! This does look good!
