I am beyond thrilled about today's do-it-yourself project. Natalie, one of of my amazing customers emailed me recently to let me know that she has been using my calendar pages as part of her scrapbook pages. I was already excited but when I received the images in my in box, I was even more excited. I just love the way she has played off my designs and colors to create the entire page, and come on, how cute are those kids?

So here is Natalie in her own words describing how she created these lovely pages:

"My sister got me the sweetest little desktop calendar for 2008, and I realized I liked it too much to throw it out. So I decided to take 5 minutes at the month end to jot down notables for my family (events, funny things my kids are saying, …) on a post-it that I keep with the calendar page. Then each month I use the calendar card, my notes and a favorite picture or group of pictures from that month to make a scrapbook page. It’s a fun way to document our year. Last year I found your calendar on Etsy and loved its whimsical, modern design, and I’ve continued with calendar layouts. So I get to enjoy the calendar design for a month on my desk at work, and then again as part of a family archive of sorts."

I love how Natalie was able to use the calendar pages as the inspiration to keep up with the details of life that she didn't want to forget. Taking five minutes at the end of the month is so doable and then you can put together the pages when you do have spare time. Brilliant.

Lastly, another reason why I love this project so much, besides the fact that she used my calendar of course, is that this is what I want my blog to be. When I revamped the blog at the beginning of this year, I decided that I was tired of it just being my opinion and my work. I wanted more collaboration and inspiration from you, my customers & readers. And thanks to Natalie, it is getting there. Thanks!

* If you have a
Do-It-Yourself project that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: blog.DIY Please attach images to be used.


  1. These are awesome! Love it! You could even give the year's calendar to a scrapbooker at the end of the year along with a few scrapbooking supplies as a holiday gift - and a way for them to capture the past year for family and friends.

  2. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing! I am a minimalist scrapbooker, meaning that my "scrapbooks" are really just photo albums with black photo corners. (I don't like the fru-fru stuff lots of scrapbookers use.) But perhaps next year I will try something like this. I already have your calendar, so why not?
