After reading last week's tip, you should have a good idea what your strengths and weaknesses are. We addressed your weaknesses last week so it is now time to address your strengths.

Most people don't think that you need to assess your strengths. You do these things well, what is there to assess?

I believe that you need to understand what you are good at so that you can utilize those talents effectively. I myself have taken my strengths and made them the most important concepts behind my business. You can read more about them next week.

I am good at designing quality products with a fresh design. I am also good at dealing with customers. Knowing this allows me to focus on those talents and make sure that I continue to be in charge of these parts of the business. So that in the future, when I start to hire employees, I make sure that I hire people that are good at the things that I not so good at. That way, I start to build a strong company with diverse talents.

On a side note, this is a very interesting article on being a boss.

Image via Mixed Metals

*If you have a tip or a business question that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: biz

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