I originally had another post planned for today but I watched The September Issue last night while doing some work and this post popped into my mind. The movie follows Vogue editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour around as she edits their largest issue of the year. I could say a lot about this film but I want to stay on point today.

What jumped out at me is that there is another woman featured in the film, Grace. She is an art director and by all accounts the best in the biz. She works hard creating amazingly beautiful photographs with a team of designers, models & photographers. She is extremely talented and passionate. So when the photographs come in, they are shown to Anna since she has the last call on whether they make the magazine or not. Of course, they can't all be in the issue, so some of Grace's photos get cut. Grace, being so passionate about her work is never happy about this and Anna is generally unemotional about the decision. She is not rude or mean, just professional and succinct.

What I realized about this relationship is that Anna, the person with all the power, really has the easy job. I know, I know, I'm sure her job isn't "easy". But compared to all of the artists that she is overseeing, it is easy. There is a huge difference between a person that creates something and then has the guts to put it out into the world to be critiqued and the critic. Saying that you like or dislike something is something we can all do. I understand that Anna has exceptional taste and everyone follows her, but Grace was the star of the movie for me.

I identified with the emotion she was putting into every little detail. As I prepare for the National Stationery Show, I am getting ready to present new designs and ideas to the world and it is terrifying. Therefore, I think that every person that is out there creating anything should give themselves a big fat hand. I am grateful for the critics and value some of their opinions but let's hear it for the makers! Anna does, in the end of the film speaking to just the camera person, talk about how much more important what Grace does is and how talented she is. (I wonder who gets paid more?)

So the tip today is to be proud of creating something and having the balls to put out into the world.

**Image via Chocolate Negro**

*If you have a tip or a business question that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: biz

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