NSS Finally!

Okay, we just returned from my little sister's college graduation (YAY Soph!) and we are turning around to head to NYC for the National Stationery Show. This is the culmination of 5 months of hard work. I am really happy and excited to go even though it's not the end of the work, but merely the beginning. My husband will be my trusty wing-man this time around and we're going to stay a couple of days after to hang out in NYC. I hope to be able to update you while I'm there but the show can be exhausting so we'll see how it goes. So wish us luck, and I'll see you here after the show to debut all the new products I've been working on.


  1. i'll be stopping by to say "hi" for sure!! excited to see you and all your amazing work!

  2. Good luck & hope you have so much fun! I'm certain your new designs will be very well received :-)
