First off, I want to thank Mamie for a lovely little DIY project today. The plates are so cute that I might have to make some myself. And I just love the way my new wrap looks on them. I can't wait for you to see them!

There is a big discussion over on Apartment Therapy about plagerism. I think it is such an interesting topic that I wanted to add my 2 cents. So please go over here to read this post first.

As a designer, this is something that could actually affect me and my business. I have never actually seen anyone that has copied my designs but that does not mean it hasn't happened. I don't actually spend any time looking for it and I don't think there is any point to that.

I have gotten put off by other designers when I would like to talk to them about their designs or just want to look at them. They are so afraid that I will steal their designs that they won't even talk to me. I know that I do not want to waste my time fearing being copied. I love being a part of this community and want to make friends, not enemies.

Here is my official stance on the whole issue: If you are a copier, you may make money in the short term but you will not have continued sucess. If you do not have original ideas of your own, your business will die. A business thrives and grows on continued innovation and change. That is why good designers are very successful and able to sell their product for a lot of money. There may be knock-offs out there but we all know what the real deal is and there is little evidence that Jonathan Adler (for one) is feeling the pain monetarily. In short, if the designer wasn't making a lot of money with their designs, no one would bother to copy them.

I know that my designs would be easy to copy but I cannot spend time worrying about it, I would rather spend time working on new ideas. That way, the idea that gets copied will be eclipsed by my new work. They will always be behind me. And if the copy is cheaper, then the quality will suffer.

I have to admit, as I'm sure we all could, that I buy knock offs all the time. I appreciate that I can get something cheaper even though I know that the quality is inferior. That does not mean that I do not appreciate the designer.

I know that being copied probably feels like an invasion of privacy to the person on the receiving end. I am not agreeing with copying, I just feel that it is a fact of life that is probably not worth fighting. Bringing attention to it may help them and not you. I believe in karma and that eventually, bad things will happen to people that are doing bad things.

Feel free to disagree and give your opinion about this topic.


  1. i agree! while being copied sucks, (and lord knows i've had my fair share) you can't sit and dwell on it. instead, take that energy and put it into creating new and exciting products to stay ahead of the curve (and the copiers).

  2. I agree with you. I think that DYI-ing something on the cheap for your personal use is fine, but there is definitely a line when you are looking to profit from it. But like you said, copiers will fade quickly.

  3. have you ever heard the saying, "bad artists copy, good artists steal?"


    i just think the art world thrives on one artist getting an idea from another artist. i'm always seeing things other people have made and thinking, "hey, i could do something like that" or "i like that style. i'm going to try it." artists are influenced by what they see whether it be nature, their environment, or other people's artworks. and isn't that the goal of art--to visually influence others?

    (plus, how many ideas are truly unique anymore? i doubt either of those designers in your example were the first to do birch tree silhouettes and they probably won't be the last. you know what i mean?)

  4. A thoughtful post. I completely agree. It is a waste of time to worry about anyone copying your work; just keep creating! The copiers will always be producing a watered-down version.

  5. Avis,

    I like your level-headedness and clear thinking. Most anyone else (including myself) would just jump into the situation angry and mad or on the defense. Things will be said that may be regretted later. But you, you do not engage in that kind of behavior. Instead, you left us with a wonderful take on the topic at hand and left me feeling refreshed. You said what many probably feel but in a way that is not provocative (as in the aggressive let's fight kind of way), though certainly thought-provoking.

    Thank you for sharing your insights. I am, afraid, one of those people who copy ideas, but I am always working to make it my own. Just haven't figured that out yet. (Who knows... maybe I'm just not original. haha. I hope that's not true!)

