A few weeks ago while visiting family in Tennessee, we had planned a day at the pool but mother nature had other plans. So we decided to take some family portraits instead. My mother in law had been requesting that we take some and my brother in law happened to have his photography equipment with him. After moving around some furniture, setting up the lights and a few swipes of mascara, we had these photos:

Little baby Rowan makes an appearance in the ladies photo:

Vincent and myself:

Mama and her boys:

And finally, our killer tomato picture:

We had so many tomatoes on hand that weekend that they had to make an appearance in a photo. We look serious here but we had a blast.


  1. Great pictures! I love the tomato one especially :)

    I asked my mama if she had known any Wamplers growing up and she said she there was a Jerry (I think)in her class in high school, and that Wampler was a fairly common name in those parts. I'd never heard it before I came across your etsy shop & blog! My two Kingsport families are the Poes and Abernathys, if you're curious.

  2. I stand corrected: Barry was in my mom's class. I just made Jerry up :)

  3. Kathleen,

    The Wamplers are from Virginia and then oved to Johnson City and my husband's family the Grays are originally from Huntsville and moved to Kingsport.
