Here is another recipe that I think we be a hit at your Super Bowl Party this weekend. I originally had this garlic bread at a friend's house and just had to try it for myself. Who doesn't love garlic bread? Especially garlic bread with cheese on it. Serve this bread with marinara dipping sauce and you'll have a great finger food for the party.

Garlic Bread with Asiago Cheese:

french bread
1 garlic clove
asiago cheese
fresh parsley
black pepper

1. Cut the bread on the diagonal into 1 inch thick slices.

2. Cut the garlic clove open and rub the cut side on each slice of bread. Arrange them onto a baking sheet.

3. Grate the asiago cheese and sprinkle each slice with cheese. Chop the parsley finely and sprinkle each slice with parsley.

4. Sprinkle each slice with freshly ground black pepper.

5. Put the bread under the broiler for about 20 minutes or until the cheese melts.

Notes: If you would like a more robust garlic taste, and I mean really robust, mix finely chopped garlic with the cheese, parsley, salt & pepper in a bowl before you sprinkle on the bread. You can also use grated parmesan cheese instead of asiago, but I find that asiago is usually cheaper.

Now, if you want to try and make garlic bread a little healthier, you can make this next recipe originally adapted from here.

Garlic Bread with Spinach:

2 cups fresh spinach, stemmed
2 garlic cloves, cracked from skin
2 tbsp softened butter
salt & freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1 loaf french bread

1. Cut the bread on the diagonal into 1 inch thick slices.

2. Place the garlic, spinach, butter, cheese, salt & pepper in a food processor and process until finely chopped and spreadable. Arrange the bread onto a baking sheet.

3. Spread your spinach mixture on each slice of bread and place under the broiler for about 20 minutes or until the bread is crispy.

Vegan swap out: Omit the cheese and use Earth Balance or your favorite butter substitute.
Then you may want to bump up the salt a touch. This is the way I make it and it's awesome.

*If you have a recipe that you think I should feature in this section, or you want to let me know how yours turned out, please contact me at with the subject: blog.recipe


  1. this looks delicious. i'll have to try it out. i'm newer to your blog and look forward to reading the new posts!
