I've been a little under the weather this week so I'm going to have to rely on my friends to help me out with a Do-It-Yourself post. This one comes from Nonpareil Magazine that launched their first issue this week. Frankly, if you haven't heard of it yet you may want to check and see if you're living under a rock.

I am showcasing this boutonniere but there are tons of projects with full instructions. You have to check out this site! I love the new concept it's presenting and I am so excited to witness the birth of a new way forward for magazines. Actually, my man, Seth Godin wrote a post about the moving on of technology. I just love everything he has to say. Okay, enough gushing about other people for the day. I need to go lie down.

* If you have a
Do-It-Yourself project that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: blog.DIY Please attach images to be used.

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