This was supposed to go up yesterday (earth day), but I had a bit of a trying day and didn't get to it. So here is my solution to living in a condo and still composting. Since I don't have a yard, I didn't think that I could really compost, but I was over at a friend's house and she has an airtight container in her kitchen that she puts her food waste in and then she transfers it to her compost in her yard. I thought, hey, I can do that! So I got an airtight container and all I have to do is take to a friend that has a yard (or you may know a local community garden) and help them with their compost. They will love you for it. And the best part is that your trash will stink less since you won't have all your food scraps in it. Following is an image of an airtight container you can get at The Container Store.

Here is a list of what you can compost:

Fruit & Vegetable scraps
Paper napkins
Freezer-burned fruit & vegetables
Pet hair
Post-it notes
Wood chips
Freezer-burned fish
Old spices
Matches (paper or wood)
Seaweed & Kelp
Bird cage cleanings
Paper towels
Coffee Grounds
Wood ashes
Tea bags and grounds
Shredded newspapers
Egg shells
Houseplant trimmings
Old pasta
Jell-o (gelatin)
Kleenex tissues
Soy milk
Q-tips (cotton swabs: cardboard, not plastic sticks)
Expired flower arrangements
Elmer's glue
Moldy cheese
Shredded cardboard
Outdated yogurt
Toenail clippings
Shrimp, Crab & Lobster shells
Lint from clothes dryer
Wine gone bad
Wooden toothpicks
Pencil shavings
Wool socks
Brown paper bags
Vacuum cleaner bag contents
Old beer
Ivory soap scraps
Cardboard cereal boxes (shredded)

* If you have a
Do-It-Yourself project that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: blog.DIY Please attach images to be used.

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