When I came across this beautiful jewelry case that Marzi of Paisley Wallpaper, Marzipan Inc., Shades of Violet, Fin + Roe, Citrus & Clover (coming soon) & Fresh Snapped Photos created, I was floored. First of all, with all of her projects and 2 young boys at home I wondered where she found the time and second it is just lovely. You have to run over to her blog to check out all the steps to turning some thrifted shutters into a jewelry case. My favorite part is that she gold leafed the paper she placed in the shutters which I think plays off the gold jewelry so well. Anyways, enough gushing for now, back to work.

* If you have a
Do-It-Yourself project that you think I should feature in this section, please contact me at with the subject: blog.DIY Please attach images to be used.


  1. oh my gosh girl! you are quick!! thank you so much for sharing it on your blog....and for all the link-love!!

  2. no problem, it was a great project. I saw you on Design Sponge too. I guess great minds think alike.
