I have been keeping a little secret from you all for about a month now. I have an intern! Her name is Mamie and she has been working with me for a few weeks. She even helped me get ready for The National Stationery Show. That is her on the left with her goddaughter on the right. Mamie is a graphic design student in Mississippi but is from Atlanta. She knew she was going to be in town for the summer and needed some internship hours so she contacted me back in February. She has already been such a great asset to have around. I am so excited to share her with you and stay tuned, you may just see her on the blog soon too!

Here is a mini interview:

what is your favorite song?
Joe Purdy is my favorite singer, so, any song of his.

If you could go anywhere in the world, free of cost, where would you go?

My happy places are a combination of the fireplace and pool at my grandparent's house in Mt. Olive, MS, summers at Camp DeSoto and Italy. I studied abroad there last summer and absolutely loved it. I would love to return and explore cities I didn't travel to. After taking an art history class on Michelangelo this past spring, I would like to see all of his work again being able to appreciate it in a new way.

If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you want with you?

My bible, xacto knife to entertain myself by crafting, and my glasses or contacts so I could see to craft (I'm blind as a bat).

What is your favorite season?

Overall, fall is my favorite because everything is crisp and it holds the anticipation of a new football season and excitement of friends returning to school. Not to mention, flats and cardigans are two of my favorite things.

What is your favorite color?
It's hard for me to choose just one and I've always said yellow. However, it seems to have transitioned into sea foam green and gray.

What is your favorite hobby?
Designing with my hands whether it be with paint, fabric, paper, ink or in the kitchen. And I do love the occasional fishing outing with my dad.

What is your ultimate comfort food?
My mother's chicken pot pie and homemade sweet tea made in a clay pitcher.

What inspires you?
Fabric, the walls of yarn in knitting stores, design blogs, art history, Italian buildings and wall textures, and my grandmother's garden.

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