We all love pizza, it's so personal. Everyone has their favorite crust, toppings, sauce & way to eat it. My husband is a bit of a pizza conseur ever since he worked at 2 pizza places in college. One was a huge national delivery chain where he learned to toss the dough and the other was a Knoxville chain where he learned the importance of homemade dough. (He learned a lot more from the people that he worked for then but that's not really the point of this post.) So here is the recipe for the pizza we made last weekend, my new favorite pizza ever.

Caramelized onion and goat cheese pizza


pizza dough (ours was from a local international market)
.5 cup pizza sauce (from the same place)
1 & 1/4 large white onions
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
2 tablespoons herbed goat cheese
olive oil


1. Caramelize the onions. In a large non-stick pan, drizzle olive oil and add the sliced onions. Cook on low heat, stirring frequently until brown and caramelized. Sometimes this takes me 20 minutes and sometimes 1 hour. I also place the top on the pan for about half of the time.

2. Preheat the oven to the temperature specified on your dough. Roll out or toss the dough leaving space for the crust to rise around the edge.

3. Spread the pizza sauce evenly over the dough. Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese over the sauce. We only use a light covering because we don't like ours that cheesy.

4. Spread the onions evenly over the cheese and then the goat cheese. Sometimes it is easier to crumble the goat cheese.

5. Bake on a stone in the oven based on your dough's directions.

6. Sprinkle with red pepper flakes if you like, we ate ours just as it was.

Maybe it's because I hardly ever eat meat, but this pizza tasted like it had pepperoni on it. It must have been the sweet & salty combination. YUM!

**Image via Ceramic Canvas**

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