Here we are in the booth on the first day. The show is so much fun and so much work. I am always glad I participate and I am already planning for next year. Every time, there is more to learn. I am still working on following up and fulfilling orders. I still have to work on some connections that I made during the show. So the biggest thing to understand is that the show is really the midpoint. There is so much work before hand and afterward. I am excited to share my full guide to the show with you. I will be sure to let you know when it's available.

Here we are in our "class photo". The last day is a half day and really just a conclusion to the show. Our neighbors decided that we should celebrate with wine and homemade cheesecake. It really is like the last day of school. We actually went around and passed out all of our extra caramel corn to the fellow exhibitors. They were so happy and they responded by giving us some of their giveaways. It is a great community to be a part of even if they do drive me crazy sometimes.

Overall, the show was great. I picked up some new stores, learned what I will do differently next time and had a blast. I am rally happy with the way my booth turned out but I do feel that there are things I would change if I did it again. But I guess it would be boring if I didn't think that way. They say that you get more successful the longer you exhibit so I am hoping that is true.

So the recaps are over, I can't wait till next year!

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