So this post isn't really about the movie, but it did spur the idea of the post. I watched this movie the other night and cried at the end. Yep, that's right, I cried. I would like to state that not only do I not cry at a lot of movies, I tend to not watch movies like this. Which would be movies that seem like a romantic comedy. So even I surprised myself by crying at the end. I didn't cry because the movie was that good. It was fine. Meryl Streep, however, was effervescent as always. (side note: as much as I try and dislike her, she's just one of the best actresses living)

Let's get down to why I cried because it is relevant to this blog and a large reason why my posts have been "light" lately. At the end of the movie, and I don't think I'm giving anything away here, Julia gets a copy of her book in the mail. She joyfully opens the package and clutches the book relishing in her accomplishment. At that point, she had been working on it for 8 years. 8 years. It's a figure that I thinks bears repeating because she gave 8 years of her life to something that she had no idea would come to fruition. I was simultaneously jealous and happy for her. Hence the tears.

This year has been a bit if a roller coaster when it comes to Avie Designs. I have had ups and downs and right now I am dealing with a down. A big, fat downer that is giving me fits and making me cry at movies. You see, I had these wonderful plans to launch a big beautiful website this month. I personally designed every page and turned it over at the end of June to the developers. Fast forward to now and not only is my website not finished but it isn't close and it may never be completed by these developers. Now there are a couple of other factors that make this more terrible.

1. I have already converted my etsy shop to a supply shop and therefore don't really feel like I can go back. This has kept me from not only selling my existing products but my new ones as well. My business has been effectively put on hold. This is admittedly my fault. I should never have switched up my etsy shop until the new website was up and running. This decision makes me feel like an idiot.

2. This was a family & friends deal. The website wasn't going to cost me much and now there is no money in my budget to pay someone else to complete the project. The developers themselves are not family nor friends of mine so that is not an awkward situation.

I am now left with a decision to make and I don't like any of the options in front of me. I honestly don't know if the website I designed this year is going to exist. I also have no faith in the information that I am being fed by the developers so I have really just given up on the whole thing. I have already invested so much time and emotional energy into this project that I have nothing else to give. Writing this all down makes me want to cry again.

I have said and everyone else says that you cannot take your business personally. I really want to be that person so badly. I want to see the options clearly, cut my losses and move on. I am not that person. I am the person that feels that this is a huge failure.

When I saw the jubilation of Julia and her book, I wanted so badly to be her. To have accomplished something. However, I did get the point. She had worked for 8 years on that book and maybe I should not be so hard on myself that I wasn't able to accomplish this one project this summer.

I do have a plan. I would never have been able to write this post without one. It would have been too depressing for me. I am going to a plan B website that I will let you know about as soon as it's ready to go. My etsy shop will remain my supply shop. As for my big beautiful website, we'll just have to wait and see.

I do want to thank everyone for their patience and for those of you that took the effort to email me to place an order.
And I promise that posts in the near future will be positive, fun and full of the excitement that goes with new products and their launch.


  1. I can see how this would make you cry. It make me cry thinking of how you must feel. It may seem easy to "feel" like a failure-but you are not! You also have every right to ponder what you should have done...

    I have followed your blog for AGES and have always been slightly envious you! (In a total friendly, omg she is awesome, I want to be her, kind of way!!!!!)

    I know it is easier said than done but you MUST look at what good has come from this experience... What have your learned and what would you do different?

    I know I will rally behind you when you set your plan into motion-somehow I don't think I will be rallying alone...


  2. Oh I am sorry you are going through a tough time. Whoever said don't take your business personally obviously doesn't have their own business...is it even possible NOT to take it personally? :) I am sorry your website isn't working out...that really sucks to be looking forward to something like that...putting the plan in motion and then have it come to a halt. BUT...I am looking forward to hearing about..or seeing Plan B!! Keep your head up. :)

  3. Good luck, Avie! I think you are a brilliant businesswoman and a superb designer. And I think it's a good thing that you take your business personally. As a consumer, I appreciate that your work has so much heart. I wish you the best!

  4. So Sorry!! I'm sure you are so frustrated. I love your stuff and hopefully you will be able to get something going soon!

  5. Avis,

    I am deeply sorry to hear of the website situation. I know how long you've worked on it and I know how painful it is to not have things go as planned. But, with that said, I also know that sometimes the best things occur after a hiccup or two. And I think you know that too.

    This is a temporary setback and I'm fairly certain you will reach your goal of a fabulous website. If Julia had to wait 8 years to complete her book, surely your time will come too (and probably before 8 years' time).

    Do not be too hard on yourself. Yes, it is true that you've said in the past that one cannot take business matters personally. I'd like to add that some matters do matter and it's okay that they affect you so much. A project like this is like a baby -- taking lots of time and energy. Give yourself time to "grieve" and you will be able to "cut your losses" later when it's less painful.

    Meanwhile, I am still a fan of yours and in my eyes you could do no wrong. :)

    Take care.

  6. I would cry too! I think I cried at that very same part in the movie. I didn't have a specific situation going on, but I too am a designer and was happy and jealous of her accomplishment! On a side note, I do programming and don't charge too much. In the future if you are ever interested feel free to contact me :)

    Keep your head up, things work out somehow or another!
